Designing Polyelectrolyte Coatings: Coacervates, Assemblies, and Complex Materials

Understanding the fundamentals of designing polyelectrolyte coatings enables scientists to engineer materials and coatings useful in a wide range of industries and applications. From thickeners in foods to super plasticizers in concrete to coatings on implants to controlling drug release in the body…polyelectrolytes have enormous potential to support innovative new technologies for those able to tune these complex chemical sequences to their needs.

Learn approaches for designing diverse materials and complex coacervates using polyelectrolytes, including applications in pharmaceuticals, protective coatings, and textiles. Sarah L. Perry (University of Massachusetts Amherst) will discuss the molecular engineering of polyelectrolyte complex materials to create tailored bio-inspired materials that can be used in applications ranging from temperature-stable vaccines to coatings and fibers. Jaime C. Grunlan (Texas A&M University) will describe how environmentally-benign coatings prepared using water-soluble polyelectrolytes can be used to stop fires, protect food from spoilage, and prevent shorts in high voltage electronics.

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